5 Mindfulness Exercises for Students
Being at University is rapidly becoming a large source of stress for many individuals. Multiple classes, a job, a social life, and a million other things to juggle is a lot to handle all at once. Don’t let yourself become too overwhelmed by everything. Instead, try these five student-friendly mindfulness methods to assist in relieving the stress. These mindfulness strategies may be used anytime and anyplace to fit around your busy schedule.
1. Breathing Exercises
In stressful times, even taking a moment to observe your breathing might be beneficial. Breathing exercises might help slow down your heart rate and lower your blood pressure. Breathing can also convey a relaxation signal to your brain, which can help your whole body relax. Try one of these breathing exercises the next time you need to take a break:
Deep Breathing: Simply breathe gently in through your nose and out through your mouth. If it helps, take four seconds to inhale and exhale for the same length of time.
Resonance Breathing: While laying on your back inhale gently for six seconds, then exhale slowly for six seconds. Repeat for another 10 minutes, or as needed.
Alternate-Nostril Breathing: Close one nostril and take a deep breath in. Before exhaling, open your closed nostril and seal the other nose. Repeat the procedure as needed.
Affirming Phrase: Say anything you’d want to manifest while you take a breath. “I breathe in serenity,” for example. Say anything you want to get rid of as you exhale. “I breathe tension out.” This activity should be repeated several times until you are relaxed.
2. Physical Exercises
When you’re anxious or overloaded, another mindfulness practise to try is physical exercise. Physical activity does not have to be strenuous; often the most beneficial physical activity is just getting out of your chair and moving around for a few minutes. Try one of these exercises the next time you need to get up and move:
- Take a stroll
- Do a simple activity like getting the mail or take out the bin
- Perform a “body scan” from head to toe, concentrating on how your complete body feels.
- Do some simple yoga positions.
- Dance along or sing to your favourite music.
3.Sensory Exercises
Sensory exercises are an excellent approach to cultivate mindfulness by focusing on immediate, physical sensations. This is a technique for bringing oneself back to the current moment and space. Try these sensory activities:
- Put your hands in warm or cool water
- Hold some ice in your palms, or rub it on your wrists
- Something soothing to touch or hold like a soft blanket, a stuffed animal
- Enjoy a smell you like, for example, light a candle, brew a cup of tea, or spray some of your favourite perfume
- Pay attention and listen to your surroundings
4. Anchoring Phrase
Try repeating an anchoring phrase if you need something short and relaxing to keep you anchored. Your anchoring phrase can be consistent (an inspiring quotation or remark) or it can be about something present. Repeat whatever brings you comfort. An anchoring sentence may look like this:
“My name is…” “Today is…” “Right now, I’m feeling…”
5. 5-4-3-2-1 Technique
5-4-3-2-1 is a simple mindfulness practise that can be performed anywhere and takes only a few minutes. This workout uses the five senses to help you to focus on your environment and your body. The steps for the 5-4-3-2-1 technique are as follows:
- What are 5 things you hear?
- What are 4 things you see?
- What are 3 things you can touch?
- What are 2 things you can smell?
- What is 1 thing you can taste?
Mindfulness with iView Hub
At iView, we are excited to introduce our brand-new Mindfulness Video Series. By carefully following the Mindfulness for Study book, a series of informative and engaging courses will help you enhance your mindfulness, study, and workplace abilities. Each video corresponds to a particular chapter in Mindfulness for Study, guiding you through the text with interactive features, activities, and quizzes. You may pause the videos at any time and resume where you left off when you are ready, using your printed copy to take notes and underline key areas.
Our interactive Mindfulness for Study tutorials were created in collaboration with our friends at Loughborough University. The videos are designed to help those struggling with mental health and anxiety, as well as provide excellent advice for anyone on the Autistic Spectrum or who is simply finding life a bit more challenging. This educational series is based on the best-selling book, Mindfulness for Study. Please contact iView to acquire the Mindfulness for Study e-book.